Ramen Eggs

First things first: pull the eggs out of your fridge and start to let them come to room temperature. In a pan that accommodates a steamer basket, bring water to a boil. Lower the steamer basket into the pan (or use the steamer basket that nests above your pan if your cookware set came with…

Gooey Gnocchi

Put 2 unpeeled large Russet potatoes in a large pot. Fill the pot with enough water to cover the potatoes by at least two inches and bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to medium, partially cover the pot and simmer the potatoes until they are completely tender and easily pierced, about…


Don’t worry, I can’t pronounce that either. In a bowl, use a mixer to combine 3 cups of semolina flour, 3 eggs, 1/2 cup water, and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Mix until the dough comes together, about 2-3 minutes. Continue mixing at a slightly faster speed until the ingredients are thoroughly combined and a tight…

Mango-a-go-goes with Lime

I often find that graham cracker crusts are a bit heavily flavored for me and then pies have to be sweeter to hold their own. Plus, the idea of a citrus fruit with shortbread makes me think of Scottish lemon curd on shortbread, which I love together. This tart is my answer to a cheesecake,…